Minggu, 14 Maret 2010

Wisata Kuliner: Brongkos Ijo Bu Padmo

Pernah menikmati brongkos Warung Ijo Bu Padmo yang berada di bawah Jembatan Krasak, Tempel, Sleman? Nah, ini dia! Diam-diam ternyata brongkos Warung Ijo Bu Padmo ini telah terkenal sejak tahun 1950. Jadi, sudah hampir 60 tahun warung ini melayani pecinta brongkos dan sampai sekarang tetap melegenda. Hebat kan?

Bagi Anda yang hobi wisata kuliner, jangan pernah keliru kalau mau menikmati brongkos Warung Ijo sebab sekarang ada banyak warung brongkos yang menggunakan nama Brongkos Warung Ijo juga. Bahkan fisik warungnya juga bercat hijau. Ssst, hati-hati ya, Warung Ijo Bu Padmo tidak buka cabang lho. Jadi, jangan sampai tersesat sehingga tidak kecewa (bukan promosi, tapi kenyataannya memang begitu kok).
Nah, siap-siaplah dengan kejutan sensasional yang akan menggoyang lidah Anda dengan sajian brongkos Warung Ijo Bu Padmo. Jika Anda memang berperut karung, boleh pesan dua porsi sekaligus. Sebab porsinya memang bukan porsi kuli. Tembi sendiri pingin pesan dua porsi sekaligus, tapi nggak enak di hati. Kecuali bikin boros, malu juga disangka berperut karung. Seporsi brongkos harganya cuma Rp 10.000,- (harga pertengahan bulan Juli 2008). Tambah segelas teh manis cuma Rp 1.000,-. Tambah sepotong empal, babat, atau iso yang telah dibacem dan digoreng cuma Rp 5.000,-.

Brongkos Warung Ijo Bu Padmo menjadi legendaris karena mmm, rasanya memang seperti kata Bondan Winarno itu, “mak nyusss.” Komposisi bumbu yang dibuatnya demikian pas banget. Kuahnya tidak terlalu encer, tetapi juga tidak terlalu kental. Warnanya juga tidak pucat namun juga tidak terlalu gelap seperti rawon Jawa Timur. Dagingnya? Jangan tanya deh. Benar-benar empuk. Terasa lembut jika dikunyah. Ditelan terasa nyaman. Bumbu-bumbunya itu lho ngresep banget di serat-serat daging atau koyornya. Pantaslah jika banyak orang menjadi ketagihan dengan brongkos

Senin, 08 Maret 2010


Yogyakarta / Jogja

Yogyakarta (some people call it Jogja, Jogjakarta, or Yogya) is a city with outstanding historical and cultural heritage. Yogyakarta was the centre of the Mataram Dynasty (1575-1640), and until now the kraton (the sultan's palace) exists in its real functions. Also, Yogyakarta has numerous thousand-year-old temples as inheritances of the great ancient kingdoms, such as Borobudur temple established in the ninth century by the dynasty of Syailendra.

More than the cultural heritages, Yogyakarta has beautiful natural panorama. The green rice fields cover the suburban areas with a background of the Merapi Mountain. The natural beaches can be easily found to the south of Yogyakarta.

Here the society lives in peace and has typical Javanese hospitality. Just try to go around the city by bike, pedicab, or horse cart; and you will find sincere smiles and warm greeting in every corner of the city.

An artistic atmosphere is deeply felt in Yogyakarta. Malioboro, as the center of Yogyakarta, is overwhelmed by handicraft from all around the city. Street musicians always ready entertain the visitors of the lesehan food stalls.

Those who have visited Yogyakarta reveal that this city makes them long for it. Just visit here, then you will understand what this means.

Manohara Hotel

Manohara Hotel is the only hotel that located inside of the Borobudur archaeological Park. It take full advantage of it's strategic location. Manohara hotel sets on lush tropical garden in south eastern of Borobudur where the huge monument Borobudur stands and just 200 meters away from the temple within 5 minutes walk.
Manohara Hotel is Java hotel with nice location and an ideal place for those who want to overnight stop near Borobudur also to catch the Sunrise on the top of Borobudur. Manohara hotel can be also an ideal base for those who want to set a research on this one of the world wonder.

Wonderfull Sunrise.
Experience the silent and lonely dawn at Borobudur Sunrise. The tour is a real amazing because it is provided b the privileged access to borobudur before it opens to public. It starts arround 04.30 am at the temple to see the sun rising up from the horizon. After that you are free to explore the temple at your leisure and return to the hotel fro morning tea and light snack as well as b'fast. The sunrise experience on the top of Borobudur will be incredible

And contact us for reservation, get special rates from us

Aktivitas Menarik Yang Ada di Bali

Ditampilkan 1 - 6 dari 6 listing yang sesuai
1. SEAWALKER di lokasi Sanur, Badung
Temukan keindahan dasar laut dengan mengikuti aktivitas seawalker, jalan-jalan di dasar laut, menyaksikan indahnya terumbu karang dan keanekaragaman hayati yang ada di bawah laut.

2. WATERBOM di lokasi Kuta, Badung
Waterbom Bali adalah sebuah oasis di jantung Kuta, ketenangan di tengah keriuhan Kuta yang padat, memadukan pengalaman menegangkan di peluncuran2 airnya dengan kenyamanan kolam berenang dan keelokan t

3. BOUNTY CRUISES di lokasi Benoa, Badung
Bounty Cruise satu satunya cruise yang menawarkan harga murah dengan service yang sangat baik, juga makanannya sangat cocok untuk wisatawan domestik. Disamping kapal yang paling besar di Bali akan men

4. DINNER CRUISE BY BOUNTY di lokasi Benoa, Badung
Pelayaran Bounty menawarkan pelayaran santap malam saat matahari terbenam di atas kapal M V Bounty yang baru dan megah. Makanan dan minuman dengan ruangan berAC yang nyaman, pelayanan ramah dari para

5. ODYSSEY SUBMARINE di lokasi Padang Bay, Badung
Odyssey Submarine merupakan satu-satunya kapal selam wisata di Indonesia berlokasi di Labuhan Amuk, tepatnya di dekat daerah Klungkung dan Karangasem, yang jauhnya kira-kira 1 jam 15 menit dari Denpas

6. ARUNG JERAM / RAFTING di lokasi , Badung
Sungai di Bali, selain sebagai sumber irigasi persawahan, juga merupakan tempat yang cocok untuk berwisata Arung Jeram atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah Rafting. Alam sungai yang masih alami dengan ar

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

Ramayana Ballet

Sendratari Ramayana
Presented by more than 250 artists at its original place: Ramayana Open Air Theater & Trimurti Theater
Prambanan Temple complex - Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Ramayana is the Java's finest example of storytelling in stone in which the epic is egrved on the wall of Siwa Temple in the complex of Prambanan sanctuaries. Prambanan's version of the Ramayana differs somewhat from the original Indian epic, reflecting the adaptation to Javanese sensibilities over the centuries.
More recently, the Ramayana has been adopted for the performing arts. Since the 1960s, hundreds of dancers have brought the ancient relief's panels to life at Prambanan's open- air theater, located just west of the temple complex. Essentially, a traditional dance drama minus the lengthy dialogue, the Ramayana Ballet or "Sendratari" - an acronym composed of the indonesian words of art, drama and dance - is rocking good theater, with enough heroics, tragedy, romance and mayhem to satisfy the most jaded modern spectators, all presented under a tropical moon with the magnificent floodlit Roro Jonggrang Temple as a backdrop.
The entire Ramayana epic consists of four episodes, each night one episode, presented from 07.30 to 09.30 p.m. in four clear nights on and around the full moon, each month from May through October. The full story is held at Trimurti Theater every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; presented by more than 50 professional dancers

Kamis, 26 Maret 2009

5 Interesting Places In Jogja

1. Borobudur
The first interesting places in Jogja is borobudur. Borobudur located in mungkid subdistrict, about 40km from Jogjakarta. And Borobudur was built by King Samaratungga, one of the kings of Old Mataram Kingdom. Based on Kayumwungan inscription, Borobudur was a place for praying that was completed to be built on 26 May 824, almost one hundred years from the time the construction was begun. The name of Borobudur, as some people say, means a mountain having terraces (budhara), while other says that Borobudur means monastery on the high place.

Borobudur is constructed as a ten-terraces building. The height before being renovated was 42 meters and 34.5 meters after the renovation because the lowest level was used as supporting base. The first six terraces are in square form, two upper terraces are in circular form, and on top of them is the terrace where Buddha statue is located facing westward. Each terrace symbolizes the stage of human life. In line with of Buddha Mahayana, anyone who intends to reach the level of Buddha's must go through each of those life stages

The structure, composed of 55,000 square meters of lava-rock is erected on a hill in the form of a stepped-pyramid of six rectangular storeys, three circular terraces and a central stupa forming the summit. The whole structure is in the form of a lotus, the sacred flower of Buddha.

2. Prambanan
Prambanan is the bigest hindus temples in indonesia. Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva temples. Those three temples are symbols of Trimurti in Hindu belief. All of them face to the east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Angsa for Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. Besides, there are 2 flank temples, 4 kelir temples and 4 corner temples. In the second area, there are 224 temples.

3. Sultan Palace
Kraton Jogja, which is a Sultan Palace, is an exotic place with traditional Java ambience in the middle of this city's rapid modernization.In general, it looks like other Kingdom buildings. When we understand the philosophy of them deeper, however, we will understand the symbolical meaning of life philosophy, human nature, how the nature works and human beings live their lives and various symbols of life existence in them.

4. Malioboro
Enjoying shopping experience, hunting exclusive souvenirs of Jogja, tourists may walk on foot along the arcades of Malioboro Street. There are many vendors selling their merchandises, ranging from such local handicrafts as batik, rattan ornament, leather puppet, bamboo handicrafts (key holder, ornament lamp, and others) as well as blangkon (Javanese / Jogjanese traditional cap) and silver goods to general little things that you may find in other trading places.

5. Tamansari Watercastle
Tamansari is located about 2 km south of Yogyakarta Palace. Built by Portuguese architect in European aquatic construction adorned with Javanese Symbolize ornaments. Tamansari was built in the Sultan Hamengku Buwono I period in the end of XVII Century. Tamansari not only just a recreation, but it's also a compound of bathing pool, canals, rooms and extremerly large swimming pool (if the canals opened).

Selasa, 24 Maret 2009


Upon arrival at Adi Sucipto airport, met by your friendly guide, then direct tour to Borobudur, including visit Mendut temples. Back to Yogya City Tour to visit the Sultan's Palace, Water Castle and drive to local restaurant to have Indonesian buffet lunch and then visit Batik Home Industry, and Silver Smith at Kota Gede, before transfer to Airport, we visit Prambanan Temple, then terminated to the Airport for onward flight.

Setelah mendarat di Bandara Adi Sucipto, anda akan dijemput guide kemudian langsung menuju PRAMBANAN. Kemudian perjalanan menuju Pantai baron yang berjarak sekitar 60km dari Jogja. Disana Anda bisa menikmati berbagai macam makanan ikan dan seafood yang masih segar, untuk menu yang spesial di sana adalah sup Ikan Kakap. Perjalanan dilanjutkan ke pantai kukup, krakal yang dihiasi bukit kapur putih, pasir putih dan birunya air laut. Kukup dan krakal sangat cocok sekali untuk berjemur.